Residential Market Applications
Solid Tubing
Designed for maximum conveyance. No perforations. May also be used to avoid problems with tree roots or shrubbery, as well as downspout runoff. An ideal electrical conduit too.

When used in solid form our tubing is an ideal electrical conduit.
Window Wells
Basement window wells should be drained to prevent rainwater from seeping down to the foundation wall and entering the basement.

Downspout Runoff
To carry rainwater from the house and avoid water seeping down the basement wall and creating wet basement problems, use solid tubing from downspout to surface inlet, dry well, or other disposal area.
Foundation Pipe
Designed for maximum clog-free collection and drainage. Slots are equally spaced around the circumference of the tubing. Meets SCS-606 for farm drainage and F.H.A. materials release for foundation and basement drainage as well as ASTM-F-405 and ASTM-F-667.

Nurse & Turf
Landscapes are beautified. Drainage tubing eliminates excessive water buildup to enhance proper lawn and shrubbery growth.
Basement Foundations
Used in continuous lengths with appropriate fittings. Easily connects to sump wells and community drain systems to eliminate flood conditions.

Septic Pipe
Information on Septic Pipe can be found in Markets under Septic Sewer Market Applications